
Working selfie
Artists Bio

Diana Boanas SWA. ASGFA
is a contemporary artist living and working in Yorkshire.
Diana’s interest in the mundane and everyday domestic objects illustrates the beauty within the ordinary. Her watercolour paintings are vibrant with rich, dark areas where paint is applied in combinations of loose washes and tighter line.
Diana studied art as part of her teacher training course alongside music which she feels complement each other, particularly in the classroom
Following training, Diana fulfilled a career in teaching, developing stimulating activities for children and adults with learning difficulties and mental health issues. Art activities and music enriched the curriculum providing a platform for Diana to share and practice her love of mark making and creativity.
In recent retirement, Diana explored a new medium of watercolour becoming addicted to its unique properties and rather rebellious, unpredictable nature. “The beauty of watercolour is an element of control from the artist in conjunction with the pure wilfulness of the paint”
Diana’s work is exhibited in major galleries winning prestigious prizes and award and she contributes articles and blog entries to magazines.

Artists statement

I am an award winning ,virtually self taught artist, returning to painting following a full time teaching career based in Hull in the East Riding of Yorkshire ,England.
During my school years, art and music lessons were my salvation and were sometimes used by frustrated teachers as bribery to encourage me towards better behaviour!
In my own teaching, art and creativity was a platform to enhance and encourage learning , self expression and confidence in students of all ages and abilities.My passion and enthusiasm reaped many rewards both for myself and my students.
It is now time to become self indulgent in the exploration and development of my own artwork .
Experimenting with a variety of mediums is exciting , and I find myself leaning towards watercolour as my favourite, because of its beautiful translucency and somewhat unpredictable and defiant nature. Exploring the paint and its endless possibilities provokes wonderful inner contentment with powerful emotions arising from describing objects ,places and events in an infinite combination of planned and unintentional watercolour marks.
My eyes , camera and sketch book are on permanent alert for images that catch my interest . These are hugely varied in subject and can appear in the most unlikely places , exhibiting textures, pattern, light and emotion in appealing combinations I love being outside and enjoy sketching and watercolour painting en plein air but the majority of my work is done in my studio working from sketches and photographs .
When a subject or scene captures my interest, I spend time taking many photographs from various angles ,adding or removing content if practical. The composition of a painting can be prepared and planned during this early photographic stage ,although I work in a flexible and increasingly looser fashion which enables editing as I work on the actual painting .
My painting style is an extension of my personality with areas of tight, controlled brush strokes contrasting with braver ,expressive , sweeping mark making , painted with large brushes and copious amounts of water splashed on in semi controlled freedom.
In the relatively short time I have been working with watercolours my confidence has increased enough to exhibit in major, juried open exhibitions around the country and have won several prestigious awards in recent years,
As an artist , standing and staring comes naturally as there is creative inspiration in virtually everything around us . With a mark making tool in my hand, I become engrossed in any subject in its linear form .
I am privileged to feel and share such passion .
Having been elected as as associate member of the SWA is an exciting progression of my artistic development.