Exhibitions and awards

Ferens Open Hull

Ferens Open Exhibition Hull
Jean Haines /Painters Online' Beating The Blues' prize winner

Artwaves Open Bridlington
Patchings Leisure Painter Exhibition ]Strathmore award
Painters Online Christmas card[competition winner

Beverley Open Exhibition
Ferens Open Exhibition Hull
Pre selection for R.I. of painters in watercolour
Five watercolours selected for Jacksons Open Prize longlist
Watercolour pre selected for SWA Open
Bridlington Artwaves Open Exhibition, overall runner up
Highly Commended.patchings artist category
Shortlisted for The Sunday Times Watercolour Exhibition
Art of Watercolour magazine Readers competition. 2nd Prize


Three paintings selected for Hull Ferens Open Exhibition
Three paintings pre selected for The Royal Instiute of Painters in a Watercolour
Two paintings selected for the R.I. of Painters in Watercolour .Mall Galleries
one piece selected for inclusion in Splash 2019
Painting published in Art of Watercolour magazine readers competition
.RI watercolour exhibition .John Purcell Paper award for outstanding work
One painting selected for Patchings Artist Open Exhibition
Winner of Artwaves festival Open Exhibition judges choice
Winner of People’s Choice . Artwaves Festival Open Exhibition
St Cuthberts Mill award . Patchings Art Festival Artist Exhibition
The Artist/Painters Online/Jean Haines /Daniel Smith Painting Flowers competition
Painting published in The Art of Watercolour magazine December


Three paintings selected for Ferens Open Exhibition
Three paintings pre selected for the RI Watercolour Mall Galleries
Artist of the month. Artists & Illustrators Portfolio Plus competition
Two paintings selected for the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour .Mall Galleries
Selected for the Jackson’s Open competition long list
Two Paintings selected for the 2019 Patchings Open Competition
E certificate winner in the GAWA watercolour competition
Two paintings pre selected for Sunday Times Watercolour Competition
Six watercolour paintings pre selected for The Society of Women Artists Exhibition
Two paintings selected for the Sunday Times Watercolour Exhibition
Three paintings selected for the Society of Women Artists exhibition.
Adrian Hill Fine Art Gallery . Holt Norfolk. ‘Transformation’ Exhibition
Two paintings selected for The Royal Society of Marine Artists

Royal Society of Marine Artists .Mall Galleries ,London. September 30 - October 10
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour .Mall Galleries ,London September 1- September 12 . Postponed due to Covid.
Ferens Open Exhibition. Ferens Gallery Hull February 16 - April 26
Two paintings selected for the Royal Society of Painters in watercolour . Online exhibition this year Mall Galleries
Patchings TALP Open Online exhibition .
Artist of the month. Artists & Illustrators magazine June
SWA annual exhibition. Online only this year September 22 -December 30
Sunday Times Watercolour Competition Willis museum and Sainsbury Gallery. December4-January 16. Moving to The Mall Galleries ,London February 15-24

Painting selected for The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour .
Patchings TALP. Painting selected for the Artist exhibition.
Shmincke / Hazel Soam portrait in watercolour prize winner.
Feeens Open . 2 watercolour paintings selected for the Ferens Open Exhibition. Ferens Gallery,Hull

RI. 2 paintings in the Roal Institute of Painters in Watercolour .Mall Galleries ,London.
SWA 4 paintings selected for exhibition. Mall Galleries,London .
RSMA 2 paintings selected for exhibition with the Royal Society of Marine Artists
TALP. 1 watercolour painting selected for exhibition in The Artist Exhibition..

SGFA. Graphite drawing selected for exhibition with the Society of Graphic Fine Art March 13- 18[ Mall Galleries,London
RI 2 Watercolour paintings selected for The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour .Mall Galleries,London.
SWA. 4 paintings selected for exhibition with the Society of Women Artists . Mall Galleries ,London.
Patchings TALP .Painting selected for The Artist exhibition .Patchings Art Centre.
RSMA 2 watercolour paintings selected for exhibition with the Royal Society of Marine Artists .Mall Galleries, London
Ferens Open. 1 watercolour selected for exhibition in the Ferens Open Exhibition. Ferens Gallery,Hull.

SGFA. Fine liner drawing selected for exhibition with The Society of Graphic Fine Art .Mall galleries,London.
RI. 1 watercolour selected for the Royal institute of painters in watercolour . Mall Galleries ,London
SWA. 3 watercolour paintings selected for The Society of Women Artists annual exhibition, Mall Galleries, London
Ferens Open